Pursuing Independence!

Basic Living Steps Programming-Preparing for Pre-Transitional

UTH’s Basic Living Program is a program designed for those who are needing to set up the basic steps toward becoming independent and need a less intensive pace then the pre-transitional program offers.  It focuses on the steps that are the most basic steps toward independence and can include but is not limited to: abiding by rules and guidelines in the current living situation; basic finances; getting your first job or adding hours to a current job to move deeper into part time or full time working; gaining a drivers license; mental health barriers; dealing with past disappointments to move forward; setting up partnerships with community agencies; social etiquette and professional etiquette; learning to balance work, school, home relationships and expectations; etc.

The Basic Living Program is a once a week program that includes the family unit in the meetings. For those that participate the next step afterwards is the actual Pre-Transitional Program.

It includes:
• A Weekly meeting with UTH staff to focus on life skills, progress toward individually set goals (school, job, career, life skills, etc.), and conflict resolution at all settings
• A systemic approach to include the family in the skill development while helping all members embrace new boundaries; understand basic financial needs vs wants; job exploration; and social, emotional growth.

To participate the member can be their own guardian or be under the guardianship of someone else.

To gain details on all pre-requisites and programming details contact UTH at Contact Us – United Through Hope

Pre-Transitional Programming

UTH’s pre-transitional housing is a program designed for those wishing to gain the basic skills to move toward independence and an important step BEFORE living completely on their own or moving into UTH’s 12 month Transitional Housing program. The pre-transitional housing program at UTH is designed for high functioning adults who want an opportunity to become more confident in the basic “adulting” skills before moving out of their parents’ house.

It includes:
• Weekly meetings with UTH staff to focus on life skills, progress toward individually set goals (school, job, career, life skills, etc.), and conflict resolution at all settings
• A systemic approach to include the family in the skill development while helping all members embrace new boundaries; understand basic financial needs vs wants; job exploration; and social, emotional growth.

To participate the member can be their own guardian or be under the guardianship of someone else; however if they wish to be considered for the UTH Transitional Housing program they must be their own guardian at the time of consideration.

This program has a minimum of a 2 month commitment and cannot be entered into unless Basic Living Skills has been completed first.  
• Meetings, goal setting, and life coaching weekly with UTH staff to meet employment, social, emotional, and other need based goals set. One meeting each week is fully family based with parents and member to work on generalizing the goals. but also at least 2 individual based meetings to meet the budgeting, conflict management, advocacy, and self-management of their “personal business.”

To gain details on all pre-requisites and programming details contact UTH at Contact Us – United Through Hope

Transitional Housing in a UTH supported house

Male and Female Tenant Housing 

UTH’s transitional housing is a one year program (12 months) designed for those wishing to practice TRUE independence and the last step BEFORE living completely on their own. The transitional housing program at UTH is designed for high functioning adults who have demonstrated various pre-requisites and want an opportunity to refine them before doing their final “unenabled” launch.

It includes:
• Living with other adults
• No live in “babysitter” as this program is not meant to enable. Instead the design is to foster independence.
• Weekly meetings with UTH staff to focus on life skills, progress toward individually set goals (school, job, career, life skills, etc.), and conflict resolution at all settings
• Designed to mimic a real “move out” on your own, but with guidance from staff, including a landlord and lease.

Pre-requisite that are non negotiable:

  • The tenant must be their own guardian (power of attorney by a family member is acceptable)
  • Tenant must have a job (or money coming in NOT from family members) that supports the basic monthly costs of living independently
  • Tenant must abide by the 12 month commitment.
  • Tenant has completed the pre-transitional programming, and was deemed successfully cleared to move to next stage by UTH.
  • Tenant participating would sign a lease (rental contract) agreement during the 12 month commitment for a specified monthly rent that covers:
    • • Rent contract and household expectations for one bedroom and access to all common living areas & washer/dryer
      • Rent contract that specifies the basic utilities included such as Wifi, security, electric, water, waste
      • Weekly meetings focused on goal setting and life coaching with UTH staff to meet employment, social, financial, emotional, and other need based goals set. The meetings are typically individual based to meet the budgeting, conflict management, advocacy, and self-management of their “personal business.”

To gain more details contact UTH at Contact Us – United Through Hope

Transitional Housing-in your own apartment/property 

Have you really wanted to launch but really do not want to live with others? Maybe only want to live with one other person? Need to stay near a support system?

Have you already launched but are really living off money provided by your parents to keep you afloat?

Then this program is for you!

UTH’s transitional housing in YOUR OWN apartment/property is a 6th month to 12 month long program designed for those wishing to practice TRUE independence and learn to truly live completely on their own. The transitional housing program in YOUR OWN apartment/property is designed for high functioning adults who have demonstrated various pre-requisites and want an opportunity to successfully remove themselves from others propping them up financially.

It includes:
• Weekly meetings with UTH staff to focus on life skills, progress toward individually set goals (finances, school, job, career, life skills, etc.)
• Designed to figure out what the barriers are that are keeping you from living the life that others your age have!

The member can be their own guardian or under the guardianship of someone else.

The program is a minimum of a 2 month commitment. 

  • Meetings, goal setting, and life coaching weekly with UTH staff to meet employment, financial, social, emotional, and other need based goals set. Three meetings a week! Plus any additional support meetings as needed to meet their goals set.
  • There is a systemic component to this program meaning the parents are included in one of the weekly mandatory meeting.

To gain programming details contact UTH at Contact Us – United Through Hope

Post-Transitional Programming “NEED” Based

UTH’s post-transitional housing is a program designed to assist those who may already be living on their own but perhaps need extra assistance to stay “launched” successfully. The post-transitional housing program at UTH is designed for high functioning adults who want an opportunity to become more confident in the basic or more advanced “adulting” skills now they live fully on their own.

To participate the member must be their own guardian and/or have control of their own finances.

The program is designed to focus on what you need the most help in.  It is designed to be short term (less than 6 months).  

“Needs” supported and what the cost includes

  • Financial awareness/budgeting NEED- One mandatory meeting a week plus any additional support meetings.
  • Social/ emotional NEED- One mandatory meeting a week plus any additional support meetings.
  • Career /Job Movement NEED-One mandatory meeting a week plus any additional support meetings
  • Build Your Own Business /Entrepreneur NEED-one mandatory meeting a week plus any additional support meetings

To gain details on all pre-requisites and programming details contact UTH at Contact Us – United Through Hope

United Through HOPE provides the Transitional Housing tenant housing program in collaboration with MCMA Ventures.  MCMA Ventures is the acting landlord (tenant pays rent and utilities and communal item needs to) while UTH provides all supportive programming.


Male Tenant House located in Denton, TX


Female Tenant House located in Denton, TX

Financial Model that UTH Transitional Members are exposed to:

UTH staff is operating a Dave Ramsey style model of budgeting with all Pre-Transitional and Transitional members.  This means that members place an emphasis on paying for BASIC NEEDS and reducing debts BEFORE purchasing wants.  UTH staff is helping them recognize what a WANT is vs a NEED.  NEEDS are food, shelter, car, bills (cell, water, elec).

UTH staff guides them in teaching them the NEED to hold money off for other big NEEDS like car insurance, medical appointment bills, an apartment deposit, a car they are need of saving up for, etc.  Each member UTH is working with has identified these bigger NEEDS.

Then UTH staff has them pay off CREDIT CARD DEBT or debts to people they have borrowed money from.  None of the UTH members are supposed to have any credit card debt that continues month to month (subject to interest).  Any debt they accumulate they are being taught MUST be paid off at the end of EVERY month.  That way they learn not to spend for WANTS on a credit card, only desperate needs (like an unexpected medical ER visit) or needs they had already budgeted for (like putting a cell phone payment on there that they already budgeted for in order to raise credit).

UTH also supports members who want to be self-employed.  Not all UTH members want a “traditional job.”

An example of a UTH Transitional member who is self-employed and that UTH supported the setup and continues to offer supports for: Sunny Dawg Suits