Dr. Laurie Harrier

Executive Director: Dr. Laurie Harrier, LP, LSSP, NCSP
Dr. Harrier is a Licensed Psychologist in the state of Texas and has 12 years of experience working as a LSSP (Licensed Specialist in School Psychology) in various districts in the north Texas area including Arlington, Lewisville, and Denton ISD and over 30 years of experience working with various diagnoses diagnosed during childhood. Within the school setting she was responsible for group and direct counseling, social skills interventions, evaluations for various disabilities, and consulting with teachers and parents. She developed and ran a summer camp for children with social challenges.
She is the creator Executive Director of United Through HOPE which is a north Texas based 501c3 nonprofit.
Dr. Harrier also has a private practice in the North Texas area that focuses on neurofeedback and 504 and ARD/IEP advocacy in addition to EMDR. She routinely acts as an advocate in IEP and 504 meetings for families.
Dr. Harrier is a Certified Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinical Specialist (ASDCS).
Dr. Harrier has also earned APIT (Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Teletherapy) through PsyPact to practice teletherapy across certain state lines.
Dr. Harrier has also completed the following Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) classes and earned the accompanying credentials: Director, Job Skills Trainer (JST), Job Placement Specialist (JPS), and Vocational Adjustment Trainer (VAT), Supported Employment (SE), and Autism Endorsement (AE), and can also complete Environmental Work Assessments (EWAs).

Chelsey Thatcher
Chelsey Thatcher, LPC, NCC
Assistant Director
Chelsey Thatcher, MS, LPC, NCC has practiced in the state of Texas as a LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor) since 2019. Chelsey holds two masters: One in Special Education and ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) from Texas A&M and the other in Counseling from UNT. Her training allows her to often integrate her skills as a BCBA/LPC/RPT for her clients.
Chelsey has also completed the following Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) classes and earned the accompanying credentials: Job Skills Trainer (JST), Job Placement Specialist (JPS), and Vocational Adjustment Trainer (VAT), Supported Employment (SE), and Autism Endorsement (AE).

Skip Hamill
Skip Hamill, Grant & Donation Support
Skip Hamill has a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania and a 30-year career in the pharmaceutical industry. As part of this career, he worked as a mentor and trainer for new hires and ongoing training of project managers for their further development
During that time, he has also devoted himself to working in the non-profit world. He successfully completed 16 strategic and business plans over past 20 years in the areas as diverse as health care, environmental reporting, low-income housing, mental health care, and cultural institutes. He has also successfully completed other non -profits projects including finance plans, marketing plans, succession plan and board development programs for 16 organizations over past 20 years. More recently he has worked in the past two years (prior to 2025) as a mentor and coach with Univ. of Texas Houston students in their senior year non-profit IT projects.

Andrea Mason
Andrea Mason Davis, LMSW
Contracted Supervisor for Social Work, LMSW

Charette Dersch, LMFT-S
Charette Dersch, LMFT-S
Contracted Supervisor for Marriage and Family Therapy, LMFT
United Through HOPE Board Members
United Through Hope is pleased to have the following individuals on the UTH board. Thank you for your support Charles Lerfald, Jim Oudesema, and Vicki Lerfald.