
Meetups, Support Groups, Telehealth, and Community Events!

Keep up the social discourse, social fun, and be around like minded individuals all while building on experiences and building relationships & skills!

UTH has a whole new way to be involved-online video chat format!! 

Group Video Chat Sessions to further social interaction skills for Tweens, Teens, and Young Adults!
Group Video Chat Support groups for various age ranges
Psychoeducational programming (learn about resources, learn a new skill, and more!)
Community Meetups

Now also being offered through online video format (contact us for more details):
Telehealth (online video chat counseling sessions)
Telehealth (online video chat consultation sessions)
Job Interviewing Practice
1:1 Video Chat Sessions to Build Social Interaction Reciprocity

To learn more about any of the above contact us!

Counseling, Social Groups, Transitional Programming & Enrollment Questions Contact Form