Get Involved

Get Involved-volunteers, practicums, internships

Join UTH as part of our team! If interested contact us at or 1-866-857-7751

To Get Involved Contact Us by completing our Contact Form. 

Click here to see a list of possible internship/practicum descriptions

Opportunities available in both the DENTON and FRISCO locations include:

  • Volunteer as an assistant for one of many social skills programs (training will be provided, and opportunity to work up to a paid position is available)
  • Volunteer at one of our community events
  • Practicum placements available for fall, spring, or summer term
  • Internship placement available
  • ABA hours for licensure
  • Gain community service hours for boy scouts, girl scouts, NJHS, NHS, college programs, etc.
  • Opportunities for all ages beginning at Kindergarten

Volunteer Opportunities at UTH
Opportunities are available a UTH for service hours, class credit, field experience, practicums, internships, and practical experience.
We support service hours needed for junior high and high school programs such as NJHS, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, etc.

We support undergraduate and graduate class credit needs such as practical hours, field experience, service class hours, practicums, and internships.

At UTH we support multiple disciplines for opportunities. 

  • Volunteers can participate as an assistant in any of our programs or can help us with research, community events, marketing, accounting, or create a tailored program for our members’ needs based on your specific discipline.
  • We support practicums, field experience, internships in, but not limited to, counseling, teaching, vocational aspects, education, athletics, ABA, speech, PT, OT, adaptive PE, accounting, business, marketing, etc
  • Training and supervision is provided. We have a licensed psychologist on staff and on site.
  • Our members represent the spectrum of ages, grades, social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and communicative needs within our community

How to apply and be considered for hours with UTH?

    • For more information on how to become part of our volunteer team please contact us at 1-866-857-7751 or


After I apply what happens then?

  • A staff member will contact you to discuss your form, resume, etc. that they received and offer to set up a training, observation, in person interview.
  • Training will occur prior to you starting and all information regarding the programs will be provided to you.

UTH is Expanding Its Services to Families-Partnering with Various Disciplines. Are you a professional seeking hours after graduation? Wanting to gain more experience? Interested in working with our agency?

Now looking for the following disciplines to utilize our building to provide services. A naturalistic approach/ theory is best fit for the families we serve.

  • ABA therapists
  • Counselors
  • SLPs
  • Music Therapists
  • Reading Therapist
  • OT
  • Other Disciplines As Interested